
Discussion in 'Titanfall 2 News & Discussion' started by Kishan, Aug 20, 2016.

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  1. Kishan

    Kishan Generation 1

    Aug 20, 2016
    So, first off, I always wanted to play Titanfall since it launched. But I didn't have the chance since Xbox has it, and not playstation. The game is great, but has many things that are wrong.

    1. To get your Titan, I wish it was timed based, like TitanFall 1. The only gamemode I play is Bounty because I want to play with and against Titans, hence the name TitanFall. If there were no grunts and spectres, I probably would not get a single Titan.

    2. EVERYONE Uses the Assault Rifle R-201 (Forgot Name). If everyone uses it, its not balanced.
    -Weapon Balancing Ideas-

    R-201 - Increase Recoil and make it one more shot to kill.

    L-Star- Decrease Laser Spread
    - Increase Laser Travel Speed by 10%

    SpitFire- Increase Recoil slightly

    3. Inserting Power Cores into Friendly Titans can be a problem. If an ally is on top of a friendly titan and if I have a Power Core that I want to insert into my ally's Titan, I can't. He has to hop off the Titan for me to actually insert it. Fix: Maybe allow any ally to insert the Core by quickly hoping on and getting off. Even if there is a friendly on board.

    4. Ejecting: Sometimes, I want to eject up and NOT straight out in front of an enemy Titan. I Pray there is an option for that. Maybe Triple Tap to be ejected and Hold to Eject forward.

    5. Titan weapons need Increase Damage to Enemy Pilots by A LOT! Its very weak against them, especially ION.

    6. Grappling on to an enemy is VERY inconsistent. I actually tested this with a friend. He stood still and I tried to grapple on him. It locked on to something else in the room, and basically missed. The hit box needs to be a little bigger for grappling on to Pilots.

    7. Rodeo - ing. After taking the power core out, and rodeo -ing the second time. It seems like the gernade does barely anything to the titan. Maybe in your load out, you can chose the option to either damage the Titan or let the gernade be an EMP, disabling a random ability for some time. If an ability is on cooldown, it will automatically disable the Ability after its fully charged.

    8. AI Titan is pretty bad. Even putting the mod for extra AI Titan damage, its just very bad. Bad aim, poor choice of targets. The second you eject out of the Titan, it should continue to shoot someone, immediate. It should not wait for you to eject, then start shooting.

    I hope next week, they will add another Titan or 2.
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  2. RangerIXXI

    RangerIXXI Generation 2

    Jun 30, 2016
    Game should be renamed Vince's Pre Firing at IW version of Call of Duty.

    That is what they should call it. It is known it is a disappointment and pre-order cancellations are starting to pour in. Vince better hope that star wars game is good.
  3. ice

    ice Generation 3
    Elite Pilot

    Feb 9, 2015
    1. agree

    2. dont really see the r-201 that much, its usually the car or the auto pistol that kills me

    3. dont worry he'll be dead soon if he stays up there;)(seriously though i agree)

    4. you can just push up on the d-pad and repeatedly press the eject button(your titan will selfdestruct though)

    7. or if they let us just shoot down the hole after removing the battery
  4. Kishan

    Kishan Generation 1

    Aug 20, 2016
    Just found out right after I posted... Problem is that the core has to be exposed. There are many times where my titan was severely low and I want to self destruct but I can't because the core isn't exposed. I want to self destruct so I can get a fresh titan with full health
  5. Trini Chinese

    Trini Chinese Generation 7

    Jul 1, 2016

    good points , very interesting. i agree with some not all great view keep it up.