
Discussion in 'General Gaming' started by hallmaster, Dec 10, 2013.

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  1. hallmaster

    hallmaster Generation 4

    Dec 7, 2013
    Halo is by far my favorite series(tied with Tolkien Legendarium) ever. The games, music, books, everything about is great. I'm a true Halo nerd, own all the novels, all the games on every platform they are available on(except Spartan Assault >.<) Some of my earliest memories are in Combat Evolved. Halo 3 is my favorite game ever, mainly because of the experience I had with it. Late nights playing on live, playing infection or custom games with friends, struggling for hours to finish all the vidmaster challenges to get Recon, playing the campaign over and over again on legendary...it goes on. I'm really looking forward to what the next games in the saga bring, but would also love more books. I'm assuming someone here has to like Halo also, so what do you all think?
  2. Laddie13

    Laddie13 Generation 4

    Dec 7, 2013
    I'm a big fan of the games, I've never ventured into any other Halo media forms. Prior to Titanfall, Halo was the game that kept me coming back to Microsoft's consoles. I'm still excited to hear more about the next installment on the X1.

    @hallmaster , being you were a fan of the game from the beginning when it was developed by Bungie, how did you feel about 343 Industries Halo 4? I personally thought they did an excellent job of continuing the series.

    Speaking of Halo Spartan Assault, has anyone here played it? I'm thinking of getting it now that it is available on the Xbox One.
  3. hallmaster

    hallmaster Generation 4

    Dec 7, 2013
    @Laddie13 I'm glad what they did. Once I thought about it, if it wasn't for them, I wouldn't have anymore Halo. I did like Halo 4 and the books that they brought out up-to and after its release.

    I've played Spartan Assault. I haven't finished yet but it is pretty fun, quick, and interesting. I think It is worth the price for sure. I need to finish it at some point.
  4. mrmatteo94

    mrmatteo94 Generation 2
    Elite Pilot

    Feb 11, 2014
    Halo 4's campaign hit me in the feels, and I am still hooked on the multiplayer!!

    Are you hoping the Halo 2 Anniversary rumors are true?
  5. OujaStrike

    OujaStrike Generation 4 Level 50
    Elite Pilot

    Dec 8, 2013
    Was a fan of reach but i can't get into Halo really
  6. geegee

    geegee Generation 2

    Feb 8, 2014
    I spent a silly amount of time on Halo3, but then I got into Badcompany. I'm really looking forward to what they do with this(rumoured) Halo2 remake, especially the multiplayer.....and can't wait for Halo5.
  7. hallmaster

    hallmaster Generation 4

    Dec 7, 2013
    A Halo 2 remake would be awesome, especially if they redid it's multiplayer too(not change it but put it in an anniversary edition).
  8. iKayZee

    iKayZee Generation 2

    Feb 12, 2014
    I have logged more hours on the Halo franchise than all other games put together! Halo 3 is what got me into competitive gaming. I still remember doing all those painstaking challenges to get Recon - that firefight vidmaster on ODST was a pain in the arse!

    But it has to be said, I'm more of a Halo MP guy, not really that interested in the campaign. If the rumours of H2A coming out this fall actually do come true, this year is going to be a dream year!
  9. hallmaster

    hallmaster Generation 4

    Dec 7, 2013
    The firefight vidmaster really was a huge pain, especially when you disconnect 3 hours in.
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  10. iKayZee

    iKayZee Generation 2

    Feb 12, 2014
    Believe it or not, I still remember the exact time it took us to finish it - 2 hours 11 minutes. We were down to last person (myself) in the final wave with about 5 enemies remaining. I only had a carbine with a few bullets to work with... #neverforget
  11. psyclone23

    psyclone23 Generation 2

    Feb 18, 2014
    Oh man, Halo is pretty much the reason I play FPS games! I used to play Unreal back in the day as a young'un, but Halo 2 / 3 was the big ones for me! Played the shit out of those games and have so many fond memories. In a way Titanfall takes me back to the first times I played Halo, because it is something fresh, new, and exciting!
  12. Neurotic Kasper

    Neurotic Kasper Generation 2

    Feb 19, 2014
    Halo was the franchise that got me into FPS games. I may not like every change that has been brought into the series, Reach especially, but Halo 4 was the game that renewed my faith and love for the series. Can't wait for Halo 5 and the well rumored Halo 2 Ann Edition.