Titanfall Issue with Lobby Wait Time/Matchmaking

Discussion in 'Feedback, Issues & Suggestions' started by Bluedevil333, Apr 13, 2014.

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  1. Bluedevil333

    Bluedevil333 Generation 2

    Apr 12, 2014
    To make a long story short (and because I already posted a similar thread in the Titanfall PC section which went no where), the past 3 days I have tried to play this game, I have not found A SINGLE MATCH. These attempts all took place on Friday, Saturday and Sunday at different times throughout the day and night. (I'm EST timezone.) If I can't find a match on a Friday or Saturday evening, when am I going to? Not only did I not find a match, I've (just to make completely sure) waited 30 minutes to an hour in a lobby and have seen TOPS 2 other players join in. I also tried switching lobbies after a few minutes when no one was getting matched to me, also with no success.

    Am I doing something wrong? Prior to this weekend I did have to wait longer than I would have liked (3-5 minutes for a round), but now It's not queuing up at all.

    I spent $60 for a game I can't play; not because I have a bad connection or because my computer can't run the game, but because whatever system they're using never can pull together a full lobby. I really like this game. I really want to play this game. There is no reason I SHOULDN'T be able to play this game.

    If anyone can provide ANY suggestions I would be appreciative. At the least it would make me feel a little better if this was happening to other players as well, which, from the few players I've come into contact with in the lobbies, it seems it is a bigger problem than just me.
  2. xFMJxDeman

    xFMJxDeman Generation 2

    Mar 11, 2014
    They "IMPROVED" matchmaking. AKA: Mucking it up so that it's damn near impossible to get into a match.
  3. Kingkat54

    Kingkat54 Generation 7

    Dec 9, 2013
    Are you trying to play Campaign? I notice that game is not very populated. It takes a good while to find enough players.

    If you can, try inviting some players, in a regular mp match. Sometimes that helps. One other thing, try switching your server position. I switched the other night and I got into a game quicker. I am CST here in Tennessee, but switched to an Eastern server and found a game.
    Hope that helps.
  4. ZanderStar1

    ZanderStar1 Generation 2

    Apr 8, 2014
    lobby time is terrible, need a lobby leader board.
  5. Bluedevil333

    Bluedevil333 Generation 2

    Apr 12, 2014
    I tried switching the server, and I had the same problem on every one I tried. I usually play attrition, which I've found to usually have the most people. I give up.
  6. xFMJxDeman

    xFMJxDeman Generation 2

    Mar 11, 2014
    Guys, the reason you can't connect is when they "improved" matchmaking they made it worse.
  7. Bluedevil333

    Bluedevil333 Generation 2

    Apr 12, 2014
    I understand that the change to matchmaking has, on most accounts, actually worsened the situation, but simply stating "matchmakin sux" doesn't help solve anything. My question is, how can many of you be playing when I am COMPLETELY unable to find a match regardless of the day, time of day, game style OR server I'm connecting to? It honestly makes zero sense to me.

    What am I missing? Are most people friends with everyone else in-game and invite people together so that you already have a few players in the match queue? Is it that I (from my meager playing time) am in a sort of matchmaking limbo where I'm too "skilled" to play against other new players but not "skilled" enough to be matched with veterans?

    At this point I've spent so much time waiting around in lobbies and making posts it's pissed me off enough to not stop until I figure this out. (Or I'd take Respawn refunding me my $60 and change, but I doubt they're very much into giving money back.)
  8. xFMJxDeman

    xFMJxDeman Generation 2

    Mar 11, 2014
    I take anywhere from 3minutes to an hour trying to get into a lobby myself, that's why I think it's something on their side. I doubt there's much we can do, as it seems almost parallel to the issues with the "retrying connection to server" and then timing out. It's always the minority, and they're screwed to the point where they can't play. (I was stuck in the retrying connection myself, so I know the anger, trust me.)
  9. AnHourWaitToGetAgame

    AnHourWaitToGetAgame Generation 2

    May 28, 2014
    No matter what game Lobby I try to play on, I am waiting most times at least 10 minutes and recently I had 3 x 20-minute waits just to get a game. :mad:

    ONE FREAKING HOUR just to get a single game. :confused:

    Its annoying when I only had half-an-hour top play before dinner.

    I went to 3-different game types to wait just to find one which actually got into a game.

    There is a fix to help; but I dont think the maker is interested. :rolleyes:
  10. Wulsiter

    Wulsiter Generation 1

    May 29, 2014
    Oh, Yeah it's Cod legacy. Everything went wrong with Modern Warfare 2. Cod didn't lern from it and it looks like the makers of TitanFail eighter. In any normal game I just look into the server list chose one with a map I like and a low ping. And 10 seconds I'm in and enjoying the game. But not here. Even free to play games have have better machmaking sistems. Lern from it damn it!
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