Lag Issues [Is it just me?]

Discussion in 'Titanfall 360 & Xbox One' started by NihilistWolfe, Mar 15, 2014.

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  1. NihilistWolfe

    NihilistWolfe Generation 1

    Mar 15, 2014
    So, I started playing just last night and I found this game is almost unplayable at best. I've ran multiple tests on my xbox one and my computer to see if there's any issues with my network or isp... I also work as a network analyst - my employer is my isp... So, asking if there's any problems on the backend... No.

    However, I am trying to see how I can do a ping test or traceroute on titanfall?
    I haven't seen any dns to lookup as of yet.

    As for the lag issues... It's consistent. I have played other games such as battlefield 4 with no issues on xbox one - along with playing diablo 3 on my desktop pc... No issues there either.

    Is there anything I should be aware of? Other than the servers being saturated? lol
    I understand on release there is problems, but I look at the lobbys and I only find a few other players also having issues.
  2. Noah Blevins

    Noah Blevins Generation 3

    Feb 1, 2014
    I'm also having those issues. I'll start a match with 4-5 bars and 45ms ping. A few minutes in I drop to 1 bar and it keeps doing a "retrying connection" loop and I get killed a few times. This process will repeat a few times, totally destroying my kd.

    Edit: I have also checked my connection and contacted my ISP. All tests I did appeared normal, and this isn't happening on other games for me either. I'm just chalking it up as a frustration for now, in hopes they get it worked out soon.
  3. LDG_JordanRetro

    LDG_JordanRetro Generation 3

    Mar 10, 2014
    It because a lot if UK players on running on US sever and it causes a lot of lag...its not you lagging ..If the Minions are lagging then it is you..but when I play only certain people are lagging and not me...they are adding server day by will take couple week to sort out but it will be smooth soon most us servers are running around 35-45 2 weeks there looking for around 20s
  4. LDG_JordanRetro

    LDG_JordanRetro Generation 3

    Mar 10, 2014
    They are just trying to solve everyone being able to play
    ..they just add Australia servers ...then they will fix everyone else problem....and try to run hardwired. Xbone is have wireless problems with ping for some reason witch they are solveing as we speak
  5. Force58

    Force58 Generation 2

    Feb 23, 2014
    I've only had 2 occasions where I noticed lag and it only lasted a few seconds each time. There sure are alot of players who say they are though and I have noticed alot of players don't have 3 or more bars by their connection while in the lobby. That would speak to their lagging. I hope its a temporary thing as Respawn, EA, and MS get the servers optimized with all the players online.

  6. Force58

    Force58 Generation 2

    Feb 23, 2014
    After reading about lag issues in another thread it was pointed out that some of the 12 people that make up the 2 teams have less than 5 bars showing for internet connectivity. I didn't notice the first time the game lagged, but last night I did notice that there were 3 people that had 3 bars or less on the opposing team. Could this have caused lag for the rest of us? I've been told it could. I would have imagined thought that EA, MS, and Respawn would have accounted for less than perfect internet connections when the game was released. We just all have to hope that its being addressed. Other than those 2 time, my experience has been great.

  7. LDG_JordanRetro

    LDG_JordanRetro Generation 3

    Mar 10, 2014
    The way the server are setup are like dedicated server there should be no lag because there a steady host...but because more people bought the game then intisipated ...they are trying to make the server bigger so there will be no more lag..:)
  8. LDG_JordanRetro

    LDG_JordanRetro Generation 3

    Mar 10, 2014
    The way the server are setup are like dedicated server there should be no lag because there a steady host...but because more people bought the game then intisipated ...they are trying to make the server bigger so there will be no more lag..:)