Last 2 Titanfall Xbox 1 players in the world

Discussion in 'General Titanfall discussion' started by GammonMaster, Feb 20, 2014.

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  1. GammonMaster

    GammonMaster O.G. Original Gamer Before Platform Shoes, Baby!
    Elite Pilot

    Jan 27, 2014
    I will make this short but I played the beta for 17 straight hours yesterday. I kept thinking it would close down after they gave us a few extra hours of play to say thank you, like they did in the Alpha. I finally ended my last game around 7 a.m. EST. Prodigy was streaming us on Twitch and everyone was wondering how we could still be playing. Finally a few guys on the other team left and we spent hours trying to figure out how to get others into their lobby so it would start again but no luck, it just kicked you if you left at all.

    So, me and one other guy, who fell asleep 4 hours before all this, were the last men standing in the beta...LOL! Finally around 8 a.m. EST the server closed. What a ride but one worth every minute! Kept thinking "this will be the last game, they will shut it down"...that thinking went on for over 10 hours! Not bad for a 56 year old man ;) Now, to find a place to die...

    Here is a pic of "The Last Titans Standing"

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  2. WhoIsDo

    WhoIsDo Generation 7

    Nov 15, 2013
    Haha, that's pretty awesome. Something similar happened with Halo 2 when they were shutting down the servers, so I give you props for being that dedicated!
  3. GammonMaster

    GammonMaster O.G. Original Gamer Before Platform Shoes, Baby!
    Elite Pilot

    Jan 27, 2014
    Thanks, bro, insane is more like it. Sad thing, I would still be playing it they had not stopped me. You only live once though...

    I guess it is fair to say, I love this game... LOL!

    Now, where the hell did I leave my bed...??
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  4. KaotikOnslaught

    KaotikOnslaught Generation 5

    Feb 2, 2014
    Lol very good. I was actually thinking about doing the same thing. But true, you can definitely call yourselves the last titans standing
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