Nailed it - 400 Wins in a row! - Thanks for the fun Respawn!

Discussion in 'Titanfall 360 & Xbox One' started by AlexanderBerner, Nov 6, 2014.

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  1. AlexanderBerner

    AlexanderBerner Generation 1

    Nov 6, 2014
    Hello Everyone,

    i just wanted to share this feat. with you and lose some words:

    Yesterday me and my buddies finally reached a 400 Winning Streak ; mind you , it is still going :p ... i am very thankful for this game as it does have this unique game flow and speed.

    I really damn like it because it was something new in the moss of bf / cod stuff.
    It was like the Old Unreal / Quake Days =) , you get it , or you go down.

    So Shoutout to Respawn " THANK YOU , NICE JOB" - still we will change the game with the Upcoming release of the Halo Collection because:

    - Titanfall now suffers from , like us, leaving Players
    - The Matchmaking does still not work so nicely ( many matches were far to easy )
    - That also effects the new ranking System and Map Star System ( too fast games => not so many points )

    So Goodbye Titanfall , it was a pleasure, hopefully we will see us again in Titanfall 2!

