Titanfall Needed Game Changers

Discussion in 'Feedback, Issues & Suggestions' started by Ghotet, May 13, 2015.

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  1. Ghotet

    Ghotet Generation 1

    May 13, 2015
    Hey folks. I'm new to this forum so this may have already come up but I just wanted to post 2 suggestions for upcoming titanfall games that would certainly boost the ammount of players. As this game is essentially CoD's multiplayer with boosts and giant robots, and Activision was a part of it, you will see a lot of comparisons to the good and bad of mimicking Call of Duty.

    1) Offline modes: ok, I get that a lot of people, especially CoD fans, tend to play the online multiplayer. Yes, that's a big part of CoD. However, what has helped propel CoD to the top was also, for me anyways, the survival mode in MW3. People don't always want to play against people. Sometimes people like to slaughter AI with varying difficulties, or as many learned from Black Ops Zombies (I hate zombies in general so I do not play CoD anymore), progressively increasing difficulties. I like to test myself against other people just as much as the next guy, but I also like slaughtering AI for hours to prove that I'm better than robots. AND NOT ALWAYS ZOMBIES! this Zombie nonsense is getting worse than ninjas and pirates. But that's another story. Last but not least, how about an offline campaign that I can actually follow and makes some sort of chronological sense. People want a universe to indulge in, not a throw together with no purpose. Just sayin.

    2) Character Customization: Once again, Like any Call of Duty there are essentially 2 factions and your character appearance is based solely on class and faction. I'm a particular individual, that I am aware of. But quite honestly I have no interests in playing a game full of premades with very little options. I understand that in a FPS the gear is crucial. But as small a factor as it is, choosing your appearance, in my oppinion, in conjunction with an offline sensable story, would help draw in the RPG and Destiny crowd. I love destiny. In all honesty the game itself is nothing special, but a FPS with a social centre and countless customization options (aside from flawed leveling mechanics) in itself has me playing that game more than titanfall.

    All in all, Titanfall has great weapons, absolutely amazing gameplay that is highly addictive (I let 3 friends who did not own the latest consoles play this and had a hard time getting my controller back from all 3) and this is just an amazing game. I love the parkour and mechs thrown in with a solid FPS system but the lack of offline modes and no way to personify your character, I believe to be the big killers of this game. Activision, this is not call of duty. Do Something different. Tried and true is great but experimentation is what made you, and others great in the first place. Make something great of titanfall, don't let this potential go to waste. Cod can only go so far. I almost expect to run into master chief in these games at this point.

    Hope you enjoyed my feedback/rant! Add me in XB1 gamertag: Ghotet
  2. A4eaTransformer

    A4eaTransformer Generation 6
    Elite Pilot

    Mar 3, 2015
    Welcome to the forum Ghotet. Those are great comments.
  3. rogerwilco71

    rogerwilco71 Generation 4

    Feb 12, 2015
    Welcome to the forum....and yes I enjoyed the feedback/rant :D

    1 vote for the offline mode here...

    Character custom is very cool....yet can cause (I'll probably get a few arrows shot at me) bandwidth issues with the already graphic rich environment....I'm speaking of custom clan logos and colors etc....in other words everyone will have to download each persons customizations (1178 in game today) on top of ai and said environment in a truly fast paced game.....that depends on your connection.

    I vote for subtle customization :) (cause everyone will be blurry in stim or a mist of "red")

    • Agree Agree x 1
  4. rainman0211

    rainman0211 Generation 7
    Elite Pilot

    Oct 17, 2014
    Welcome G. That was a good read sir. So many players:rolleyes: would enjoy to just sit back offline and play Titanfall. I've said before that had I known this was an online only game I'd have passed on it... glad I didn't.;)
  5. A4eaTransformer

    A4eaTransformer Generation 6
    Elite Pilot

    Mar 3, 2015
    Hi Ghotet. No matter how we dice it up, we are all loving this run. Welcome to the group of die hard TFer's.
  6. Bruvas

    Bruvas Generation 7
    Elite Pilot

    Jul 17, 2014
    Welcome to the forums. Decent points, and hopefully Respawn will implement some of it into TF2
  7. TI sucks

    TI sucks Generation 2

    Jun 29, 2014
    get rid of radar and this game becomes a lot better.