Forum new game mode.

Discussion in 'Feedback, Issues & Suggestions' started by silint nite, Nov 17, 2014.

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  1. silint nite

    silint nite Generation 3

    Sep 11, 2014
    titanfall is what we all can agree its a good game, it's gameplay is fun ( minus the smart pistol and lack of pilot customization) however the game modes are lackluster.

    there the standard we have seen all over. There's now real new game modes out there that scream NEW. or a rare game mode with alot of change. So I propose a new game mode called pilot extract.

    the imc have discovered the location of a high value individual that if captured by the militia they would cripple the imc.
    each side must capture the hvi and take that person to their drop ship. It's the standard 6 vs 6. W/ Ai ( hopefully there's a hardcore mode where the Ai is smarter, your health is brought to 150. And you get your health up by going to the allied Ai and he give u a medkit which brings your health up automatically and the grunt/specter says "I just saved your ass") when the hvi is captured. The other side looses. And must evac . There are 3 rounds.
  2. MilladB

    MilladB Generation 2

    Nov 17, 2014
    great concept. it looks like it would be right at home in a counter strike game. I think it would benefit from no respawning and the ability to command grunts to block enemies. also the location of the hvi should have more than 6 entrances or the player limit should be 4v4 to eliminate camping in front of the hvi
  3. silint nite

    silint nite Generation 3

    Sep 11, 2014
    The mode I was thinking about doesn't have reaspawns however if the team looses they get the chance to evac.
  4. Achmed is here

    Achmed is here Generation 4

    May 5, 2014
    how about this: whoever has the Ai you need to escort back can't respawn until the other team get's the Ai
  5. silint nite

    silint nite Generation 3

    Sep 11, 2014
    Makes sence