[Q] Pre ordering Titanfall - A few quick Questions

Discussion in 'Titanfall 360 & Xbox One' started by theDroidfanatic, Mar 6, 2014.

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  1. theDroidfanatic

    theDroidfanatic Generation 3

    Mar 6, 2014
    Hello :)

    I have an Xbox 360, and am planning to preorder Titanfall within a day or two, but I have a few questions I'd love answers to before move ahead.

    1) I'm pretty sure the pre ordered game will be a digital download, but can someone confirm this?

    2) Does my billing address/shipping address in any way affect me receiving my pre ordered game, as long as my payment is valid and goes through successfully?

    3) The $10 bonus we receive with the Pre order, will the code be emailed to me or will a physical card be delivered?

    4) After I confirm the pre order, can I remove my credit card from my account? Or must my credit card remain attached to my account till the 25th of March arrives and I receive the game via download?

    About question 2 and 3, I live in Saudi Arabia, but I have a US Xbox Live account since there is a wider range of content there, and I am using an American address (online generated), but with a Saudi Arabian credit card (I have used it before, so it works). So this is why I want to make sure my game or card is not delivered to the random person whose address might be the one I'm using.

    I would extremely appreciate answers to these, since the pre order window closes in 3 days, so I don't want to miss out.

  2. Draw the Line

    Draw the Line Generation 2

    Feb 21, 2014
    I think the main point you forgot to include is where you're preordering from. And as far as I know, there are no preorders for the digital download, so I'd expect a physical copy.
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  3. theDroidfanatic

    theDroidfanatic Generation 3

    Mar 6, 2014
    I will be pre ordering from Saudi Arabia, but if it is a physical copy, then it is completely out of the question for me :p

    Guess I'll have to buy it when it comes out