Rank Chips

Discussion in 'Titanfall 360 & Xbox One' started by RottweilerluvNZ, Oct 28, 2015.

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  1. RottweilerluvNZ

    RottweilerluvNZ Generation 5
    Elite Pilot

    Aug 29, 2015
    #1 RottweilerluvNZ, Oct 28, 2015
    Last edited: Oct 28, 2015
    I am sure there has been many posts on this in the past, so apologies if so. Titanfalling since about Jan this year I think, only really got into rank chips a couple of months back.

    That dedicated I have most other games released so far, and I don't care, I do PS4 also, and still don't care about that. I am Titanfalling everyday and there every night without question, I don't even think Star Wars will budge me for a while yet either.

    Just wondering what's up with this ranking system, and why you can nail it most minions, most pilots, most titan kills, in a match and still lose rank chips, constantly - even match after match?

    But then you can lose a match, not be top of the team, and gain battlemarks???? wth?

    I honestly feel like it's all been changing on me recently, I didn't find it savagely hard to climb to platinum (it was a climb though, but as expected over the course of weeks), but now I feel like I am really taking on the game now, and being pushed back all the time even for winning or topping the team.

    Recently I'd been sitting in platinum tier 4 & 5 up and down long hard worked for to get there as it was, but then had a good week a few back and headed up to diamond tier 2 and as you can imagine I was pretty chuffed at my flash glassy blue chip, pretty proud of it dragging the 12 year old offspring in to brag and show it off to him lol.

    Over the last week however, I've considered smashing my Xbox with my forehead and burning the house down while screaming, I've lost enough battle marks to go down to platinum tier 3!!! in just over a week, I play about 30 - 40 matches a night (more if I ain't intending getting up the next morning on days off) covering attrition, campaign, hardpoint, and capture the flag on both the Aussie server & the West US server even though ping is high. What is that 25 odd battlemarks just like that, sucked away??

    I read a few places that the whole match, including other players you're up against can affect the system. I found this - https://www.reddit.com/r/titanfall/comments/2klo81/how_ranked_play_works_and_changes/

    Is that still current? does this mean I am forever platinum? not good enough for diamond? time to accept that? I am sure that thread says that the computer will push you back intentionally????? been trying real hard to slicken up but I suppose at times getting a bit sidewinder and going kamikaze there is nothing worse than topping a match and losing battlemarks and you can only wonder why, There must be something that I am missing surely, doing wrong.

    Maybe I should turn it off and have a break from it for a while? is that the trick? I've had it on for a couple of months straight now.

    Should go after more minions or titans than pilots? or other way around? can have the highest attrition, defense score still lose them? I use 3 - 4 different guns in a match, use 2 - 3 different titan load outs in a match instead of using what's comfortable and used too, I've been trying everything.

    Any ranking system experts in here? I absolutely accept that my game play needs work, as it says the ranking system is a reflection of your skill level, but I made it to diamond and was on a roll, and now I feel like the god of Titanfall is pushing me back! how can and what do you do to nail this ranking system other than play hard to win?

    At least the rank system keeps you going! I am so p'd off every night until I crack that diamond tier 5 I will be fighting the force!.

    Thanks in advance.

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  2. Jimmah

    Jimmah Generation 5

    Mar 17, 2014
    With the low player base and low levels of most players. You will find it very hard to gain Rank.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  3. rainman0211

    rainman0211 Generation 7
    Elite Pilot

    Oct 17, 2014
    Ranked Play has been... not quite right (I think)
    with it's scoring system from the beginning. There is a "formula" I've heard that may or may not make sense to a limited number of lifeforms this side of Demeter.:confused:
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  4. rainman0211

    rainman0211 Generation 7
    Elite Pilot

    Oct 17, 2014
    #4 rainman0211, Oct 29, 2015
    Last edited: Oct 29, 2015
    Never been able to get past Gold myself. Keep pressing on my canine compadre. There is still greatness to be had and it awaits you.:)
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    UEG ANON Generation 2

    Oct 31, 2015
    #5 UEG ANON, Nov 13, 2015
    Last edited: Nov 13, 2015
    I can give you a few tips with it. I'm not entirely sure how many marks you can get at each rank anymore since I've been in plat/diamond since about the second month or season of it being out, (Meaning 2nd month of it being in beta when people had to invite you to ranked unlike now). In plat and diamond you can get 1 or 2 marks per game and they will very between matches and maps from what I've came to understand. These i do know to affect your ranked. Win and loss affect it greatly. During attrition. it will give you a random set of tasks to do depending on your battlemarks you can currently acquire. Like when your in diamond you can get only one so There is only one thing i really need to do other then win. Then i have to spam the living hell out of it. the higher you go. the more said "points" you have to acquire in that way. so lets In Bronze you should only need to get about 3 or so pilot kills, maybe 15-20 minions kills and a titan down which in attrition would be equivalent to about 45 attrition points. Where as up in Diamond, I may only need to do one of the previously mentioned things but I would need almost 20-30 Pilot kills or a whopping 10 titan kills or almost 80-100 minion kills. Everything still does count still. but the certain thing they will assign will give you more I could say. You'll hear Spyglass or the Marvin, Not sure if it is Spyglass or just another Marvin say you have completed one or all of your rating goals. once you hear that you will have a permanent battlemark that will not decay for the rest of the game. I've found out for sure that your deaths may say it only count as -5 points. but it does remove a lot more then what it does say. so most of the time if you do die more then 3-4 times. You will need the Victory bonus to complete the mark you are currently working on and then some. It's overly complicated. I can go more in depth with what I have noticed about it in my time. I can only truly speak for where I am in ranked. And where I am i need to pull At least 180-200 Attrition points alone for my team to get a mark. But I can agree that it is sort of fucked up. I have had a few games at the same skill level that i pulled over 200 Attrition points alone and still did not get the battlemark where as the game before i only had 170 or so points and got it and did not die in either match and won both. I believe it also varies with how many other people are playing ranked as well in the lobby and the general skill level that it calculated in game as you can see in the show skill comparison in the aftergame report when you got the post game stats.

    If you want a more detailed explanation to as best as I can I will be posting it up as i figure out a better way to explain it.
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  6. bladerrw

    bladerrw Generation 1

    Nov 12, 2015
    I turned off the chip ranking and concentrated on getting to a G10 pilot which was time consuming and hard, but brilliant fun. I did buy out some of the challenges to go forward though, even though it took 100000 points. I had same issues as you working out the way rank chip worked out its battlemarks . Read your link article on how the battlemarks work but seemed a lot of hassle to me. I think the actual scoring system is wrong as you can come top of game team table if you just take out minions. But whatever the game for me is the best online shooter game by far for a number of reasons. My two lads have been playing halo 5 and fallout 4 and watched them play, got bored watching let alone playing them, stuck to titanfall.
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  7. RottweilerluvNZ

    RottweilerluvNZ Generation 5
    Elite Pilot

    Aug 29, 2015
    Made it into diamond tier 'again' and now back down to platinum 3......in just two weeks.

    Must be hit and miss surely! thumbs are going numb man!!!
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    UEG ANON Generation 2

    Oct 31, 2015
    Well, 2 days ago Ranked season ended so it will drop you down one whole tier or so. It dropped me from Diamond 5 down to plat 5.
  9. RottweilerluvNZ

    RottweilerluvNZ Generation 5
    Elite Pilot

    Aug 29, 2015
    Thanks for all the replies everyone, I'm still going numb on the thumbs but its rank chips that's keeping me going!

    Dropped a whole tier from last season, buggery!.

    It's not easy to maintain and grow your rank, good games bad games, matches decide the outcome when the scores are compiled - so if you ain't doing it and want a challenge aside from gen advancement, I say give it a go!

    Pretty hard platinum tier 5 I must say, you gotta fight real hard to keep the chips till the end of the match.

    Take my hat off to diamond tiers, that's some serious titanfalling.
  10. Perkinator

    Perkinator Generation 2

    Oct 25, 2015
    Managed to bet to Diamknd 3 when averaging 30+ kills and less than 5 deathe but now dropped to plat
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  11. RottweilerluvNZ

    RottweilerluvNZ Generation 5
    Elite Pilot

    Aug 29, 2015
    I'm a Plat flounderer, just made it to Diamond 1 tonight, too scared to keep playing in far of losing it again!!
  12. A4eaTransformer

    A4eaTransformer Generation 6
    Elite Pilot

    Mar 3, 2015
    It is all relative. I am so embarrassed to say that I have problems keeping myself in the gold range. But all the above expressed frustrations and comments are the same. This is the beauty of TF. It reminds me of my squash playing days. A very individualized game. Even the mediocre can have just as much fun, feel as many gratifying moments and do as many cool things as the gem stone hardened diamond level players. The one thing the rank play does is that it keeps you hammering away at trying to do better or at least doing something different. Clearly switching modes helps. I played almost exclusively attrition through all my gen 1-10 challenges and through to gold 3 in rank play. It was a grind. But then last night in one game of pilot hunter I went up a whole rank level. Go figure. Same with CTF. In the soft precious metal range I am sure that it does not take much to zoom through the levels in some modes. But my default will always be to go back to attrition. I cannot wait to finish my last mode specific challenge and get back to attrition. Good luck to all no matter where you are. PS: loosing ranks with disconnects has been a major set back for me. You work so hard then get disconnected and that cheap comment about losing a battle mark cause you left the game!!!!' The frigg'n server booted me: I did not leave!
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