Will this be a grind?

Discussion in 'Titanfall PC' started by CastratedBeaver, May 15, 2014.

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  1. CastratedBeaver

    CastratedBeaver Generation 1

    May 15, 2014
    Im excited. Excited as butts to get some gameplay under my belt. But after a couple matches heres how im feeling Late. I honestly have heard plenty of new players having this problem, everyone else has wisdom of maps, weapons, titans, and overall game tricks. To say there is NO advantage is bold. (I have no issues with the gear im starting with) Its hard to do well when im level 3 and my team has one level 50 meanwhile the entire opposing butts are ALL high rank.

    I cant get ANY other players qued up for anything but attrition...I havent touched the campaign, because it literally cant find players. I just see a LONG learning grind ahead. Also im pretty good at maneuvering but even when im cloaking in open sights and being mobile, I OFTEN get killed by like someone on a roof who seems fine standing around but when I do the same, I dont stand a chance. All in all it looks up hill. As a new pilot fresh out of getting his bum whooped. Any tips?
  2. VelcroSnake

    VelcroSnake Generation 2

    May 9, 2014
    I've only been playing a couple weeks, and the first week was pretty rough, but I'm doing a lot better now. One thing that's helped me is watching people play Titanfall on Twitch and seeing how they play the game, seeing things that they do that I might also do to improve my gameplay and tactics.
  3. marthiFiC!

    marthiFiC! Generation 4

    Mar 28, 2014
    I have given some before to another player so I will simply copy paste that. An addendum for you though, Titanfall plays heavily to skills that are common in most FPS, Starting out as level 1 I was able to maintain around a 3 vs pilots and 7 vs all. In Titanfall, one of the most important things is awareness, closely followed by having a pretty good shot. You are going to want to work on improving your ability to predict enemy pilot movement, take a guess and act on it. At some point you will find your understanding of other peoples decision making improving. Knowing where someone is, is of course no help if you cant hit them.

    Edit: And yes, gametypes will be heavily limited by player volume. Welcome to PC. Invite your friends.
  4. D4u2s0t

    D4u2s0t Generation 3

    May 4, 2014
    It's a fast paced game, with a LOT of ways to move around. A big tip is to always know your exit strategy… example, if you're in a room in a building, maybe they're 5 windows to jump out if you have to, a hole in the ceiling to double jump, a hole in the floor, etc. Map awareness is a big deal in this game, because there are so many routes. If someone comes in the room, you jump out a window, come back in through the hole in the ground, you will most likely get an easy kill, with your opponent saying "WTF, where did he come from"
  5. markforza

    markforza Finally got to Gen5
    Elite Pilot

    Jan 30, 2014
    Best tip I can give U is KEEP MOVING! A mobile target is a LOT harder to hit! Also stick with it, I'm feeling like a Noob again even when I'm a Level 50 Generation 5 pilot but that's All down to the New Maps that were released today! So I know I'll have to play more & learn the flow of them before I'll get a Game with a Positive K/D but please don't play to preserve a K/D ratio as its not what this game is designed for!
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  6. D4u2s0t

    D4u2s0t Generation 3

    May 4, 2014
    ^^Yes, great tip! Pilots standing still make easy targets, and you never know where someone is watching you from.
  7. boise

    boise Generation 4

    May 1, 2014
    I was lost when I started playing and it actually took like five maps before I got my first pilot kill. Though that's no biggie for me since I know that I suck in multi-player FPS ;) But then, just on a hunch, I selected the closest team player when a new map started and just tagged along, doing what he did. I swear - the first 20 seconds of doing that I cried "holy shit!" three or four times :) "Can you do that?!", "Hey, that's really clever!", "Man, why didn't I think of that!?"

    Someone mentioned watching videos, and yes, that's a really good way to learn something specific. But I myself have no interest in watching a video of someone else playing the game instead of playing myself. Following and watching the other player on the team gives me more. And who knows, you might get the chance to save the life of your unwilling teacher as thanks ;)
    • Agree Agree x 1
  8. CastratedBeaver

    CastratedBeaver Generation 1

    May 15, 2014
    Im glad so many people in this community arent arses! Ok so stick through the initial plumit, and eventuallyill get the hang of it! And my aim is pretty good its really like you said, the whole expecting peoples movements.
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  9. boise

    boise Generation 4

    May 1, 2014
    Oh, and don't forget to watch the kill cam (or whatever it's called - the video you are shown after you die that shows how you died from the perspective of the killer). Two things about that: You might learn something new, and now you know where killer was (well - at least once you start getting the hang of how the maps look) - and maybe he's stupid enough to stay there until you can get back at him :)

    Edit: And that is of course something to remember - once you have killed a pilot, don't stick around - now he knows were you are.