Your very best SATCHEL CHARGE kills/moments

Discussion in 'General Titanfall discussion' started by The Juggernaut, Apr 26, 2014.

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  1. The Juggernaut

    The Juggernaut Generation 7

    Apr 2, 2014
    This thread is about your very best kills, LOL LAWLZ and troll moments while using the Satchel Charge!
    o start off, here are my most recent best kills/ moments
    1.) I couldn't find anyone in attrition besides the same exact enemy player . So each time, I threw my satchels at him and kamikazed. After 2 times of kamikazing, I saw him the third time in a row in a enclosed room. He saw me and we were jumping all around and when I threw all my satchels, I couldn't detonate it for some reason after 2 attempts. We will still in the enclosed room and when he saw me with the detonator, he just stopped and stared at me. Then I blew us up :)
    2.) I had infinite satchels and the enemy evac ship arrived. I saw 3 pilots all close together hiding so I ran towards the building, chucked it at the roof and got a triple kill :)
  2. TuffMeetsClassy

    TuffMeetsClassy NYC Native, OIF VET, Trainer, Professional Muter
    Elite Pilot

    Mar 22, 2014
    Took out a goblin with 4 pilots w/ a satchel during the epilogue. I could talk about satchels all day. I was a C4-ing maniac when most were still farming kills w/ an M16 on MW1
  3. The Juggernaut

    The Juggernaut Generation 7

    Apr 2, 2014
    I only ever used c4 for trolling in CoD. My first CoD was WAW but I stopped playing it after I finished the campaign. I picked up Ghosts and trust me, C4+ Riot Shield is a troll class that was so annoying to everyone else that they made a patch to the combo xD
  4. MassivePayload

    MassivePayload Generation 2
    Elite Pilot

    Apr 12, 2014
    Was rodeoing a titan and waited for the pilot to get out, threw a satchel at his feet and forgot.....I'd accidently attached one to the titan I was still on. Ending up both dying and the titan stepped on my dead body :p
  5. vaguecmac

    vaguecmac Generation 2

    Mar 15, 2014
    My favorite was running into a group of enemy pilots and spamming my satchels until they killed me. Dead mans trigger activated and got me a triple kill. Lol's were had.
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  6. AXE Coolossus

    AXE Coolossus Generation 2

    Apr 14, 2014
    Doomed a titan doing the awful railgun challenge. Enemy pilot ejected onto a building near the turret at the back end of Smuggler's Cove. I ejected about 3 seconds later onto an adjacent building. The other guy hops on to my building but apparently never even saw me. I see him run past me toward the edge of the building so I toss a satchel charge off after him. He double jumps right into my exploding cloud of shrapnel. I did save the clip but don't know how to post it. It's pretty neat.
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