Your Worst Shipment Screw-Ups.

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Lobby' started by The Juggernaut, Mar 7, 2015.

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  1. The Juggernaut

    The Juggernaut Generation 7

    Apr 2, 2014
    Share your stories about how you order something and the delivery process does a complete middle finger and leaves you thinking 'How is that even possible?!??!?'
    I got some:
    I ordered a piece of furniture for the house (dad isn't so savvy on the internet ordering thing) and well it's suppose to ship and arrive at the house in a couple weeks. We weren't in a rush so the wait was tolerable. After it becomes late for 2 weeks, we call the center. First hour was spent trying to find the order number (admittedly I sent in to my second email and forgot about it), so we finally found the Order registered under the email so now they know my order existed. We start looking at the shipment tracker and well guess what.... it went from the standard shipment progress from the FedEx location in Georgia and it got within a 1 and a half hours drive to my house when the report said 'broken/damaged'. Ok so it went back from New York to New Jersey... then to Missouri... then it gets to Arkansas and gets delivered. It gets signed by a guy named Tromero in Arkansas and he gets to keep it. You know why? He signed it. Yep, FedEx can't do anything to this guy because he signed the paper. Out of all the credit card info, billing info, and address info they collected from us, this guy literally has to sign the paper and it invalidates it. So they managed to miss New York and accidently deliver to Arkansas. The cost for the furniture was 300 bucks (thank god we got a free replacement) so whoever the guy named Tromero from Arkansas is, you're welcome for the free sofa bed.
    The total time for the call with the Walmart Representative: 3 hours. Then I had to immediately do homework until I had to sleep. Free time well spent... well at least the Walmart Representative was caring (his first day on the job and this happened lol!)
    2nd story: Ordering kneepads. Waited 2 weeks and a no show. Called up and they said they lost the kneepads in New Jersey. They send two pairs of kneepads for no reason without extra cost so I have 4....
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  2. Bruvas

    Bruvas Generation 7
    Elite Pilot

    Jul 17, 2014
    Don't get me started on customer service!! Glad to hear you got one eventually though.

    When I was a lad I used to get a magazine called Your Sinclair - I had a ZX Spectrum at the time. I convinced my parents to subscribe for 12 months as the offer at the time was a new game coming out called Sim City which looked really cool!

    2 weeks passed with no game so I sent them a letter (no internet back then...)

    2 more weeks pass and I send another letter.

    1 week later I got an apology saying due to demand there was a delay.

    2 weeks on I send another letter. Eventually I receive some other game as they couldn't get Sim City. Gutted.

    I send a letter of complaint, then a week later I get a copy of Sim City! Then, a week later, I get another copy! Then another copy. 5 in total on top of the other text adventure game. Brilliant!
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  3. Kingkat54

    Kingkat54 Generation 7

    Dec 9, 2013
    Story about my "wifey".
    She wanted some "new" dishes. The set we had was old, unmatched and cracked. We started looking, and after several weeks of shopping, she found a set on-line. Good price, free shipping. Place setting of 8 and we ordered. Then, THEY arrived.

    Three plates were cracked, four cups had flaws in the finish. She contacted the company, they said to re-order what ever she needed, and to "keep" the flawed dishes, and not send them back. They sent the replacements. THEY were a completely different design of the same pattern!!!! We had ordered a square style dish, these were a rounded style! SO, now we have six place settings of the original design, and three of the newer design.

    So, after all that, we now have two designs of the same dishes. Can't win, but for the price...................:D
    We are happy..................and we joke about what design dishes we want to eat from.
    So if I invite you over for dinner, please let me know which pattern you want to eat from...................:p
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