Losing Interest

Discussion in 'General Titanfall discussion' started by Gene, May 19, 2014.

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  1. undeadunderware

    undeadunderware Generation 4

    Apr 28, 2014
    i went on ghosts last night, ended up just playing the extinction game as the multiplayer just felt awful having played titanfall. I bought the season pass for ghosts which is not a bad game but if you only have so much time to play then i know which disc is going in the xbox
    • Like Like x 1
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  2. JoinTheFanClub

    JoinTheFanClub Generation 2

    May 24, 2014
    You are bored because you are boring. Drop the silenced carbine and maybe you'll have more fun. Challenge yourself.
  3. JoinTheFanClub

    JoinTheFanClub Generation 2

    May 24, 2014
    Your opinion on this subject is absurd.
  4. TitanWet

    TitanWet Generation 2

    Apr 3, 2014
    This game should NEVER have shipped at full price,offering as little as it does.prime example 'plants v zombies garden warfare' offered a lot more in terms of characters etc at half the price.Dont get me wrong i really like titanfall but ea and respawn totally overvalued whats there,i can understand why people are pissed of at the meagre offerings.promises are shit,we speak the way we breathe.
  5. boise

    boise Generation 4

    May 1, 2014
    Well, I disagree, obviously. I honestly don't even know what you are talking about. I have played practically every day since I got the game this Easter. I'm Gen 5 now (or is it 6? I forget...) and there are still plenty of weapons and other equipment that I have hardly even touched yet for me to try out and get good at. New tactics to try, new friends to meet and play with and against. I love all of the maps, and still feel that I haven't explored all of their possibilities. And the new Expedition maps I feel like I don't know at all, so lots to do there. And of course, just play the game and enjoy myself.

    I like plants vs. zombies, but to compare it with Titanfall in any way at all is just silly. It's a totally different thing. How much time do you think the devs need to invent and implement a new plant or zombie in "plants"? I'm guessing an hour for one developer and then they can release it. I'm not even gonna guess at how long it takes to create a new weapon for Titanfall, the amount of time you need just to model and paint it to make it look good in-game as well as in the menus. Video effects for the gun fire. And then to test it out and adjust it's damage for hours and hours just to make sure you haven't introduced something that will change the balance of the game. And a new map? Weeks or months (and that is for a whole team of developers), and they have already given us three really great ones with Expedition.

    Of course you can speak, but try to think before you do.
    • Agree Agree x 3
  6. Tony at Home

    Tony at Home Generation 5

    Mar 16, 2014

    Here's the thing:

    You're Gen 10.

    So you've at least logged in around 72 hours into this game, right?

    You've gotten your value from your purchase of Titanfall. That's pretty much Skyrim-level playtime in order to get Gen 10.

    So I'm sorry you're losing interest in the game, but it's obvious the game did its job to get you your 60 dollars worth for the initial purchase. If it's lacking in content, it certainly did not stop you from logging a massive amount of time in the game.

    Basically, if you're Gen 10, and you're arguing the game doesn't have enough content. You're saying a game that lasted you 70+ hours doesn't have enough content.

    I just can't wrap my head around the idea that so many hours of time in the game constitutes "getting the shaft".
    • Agree Agree x 5
  7. Ohdyn

    Ohdyn Generation 2

    May 31, 2014
    they really have a lot to improve...
  8. boise

    boise Generation 4

    May 1, 2014
    I dislike general complaints like this when the poster cannot even be bothered to tell us what it is he doesn't like, but sure, you are right - there are things that they can improve on, and they have shown us that they have every intention to do so. Take a look at the release notes for the latest updates (a week ago, was it?) and look at all the stuff that they fixed, added and improved then.

    It's not like they are just sitting on their asses collecting our money - they have made a great game and are working hard to make it even better. If you have constructive criticism to provide, give it to Respawn who have the ability to do something about it. If you just want to bitch, please do it somewhere where I do not need to see it.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  9. MuscledRMH

    MuscledRMH Generation 2

    May 17, 2014
    Respawn is working on the following things that will probably interest you:

    - Titan Customization
    - New Gamemodes
    - Titan Burn Cards
    - Leaderboards
    - Maybe Competitive Ranks
    - Hashtag System
  10. Eric M

    Eric M Generation 3

    Mar 28, 2014
    Bloody hell, how'd you manage that? All the bunny brought me were chocolate eggs...

  11. JoinTheFanClub

    JoinTheFanClub Generation 2

    May 24, 2014
    Plants v Zombies!.....That's what you are going with? Seriously? You thought TF and Plants v Zombies were comparable? Your opinion in all matters has became null and void. You babble nonsense and have the thought process of a child.
  12. Eric M

    Eric M Generation 3

    Mar 28, 2014

    I've read and re-read that sentence three times now but I'm non the wiser. What does that mean exactly? Anyone help me on this?

  13. boise

    boise Generation 4

    May 1, 2014
    He he :) We don't have the Easter bunny here in Sweden, but I did eat a lot of candy. Whoever started the tradition of giving away candy on the otherwise extremely boring Easter holiday should get the Nobel peace price or something ;)

    So no, I bought the game myself and practically locked myself in my computer room (well - bedroom) with it for a couple of days before I had to come out for some fresh air :O
  14. boise

    boise Generation 4

    May 1, 2014
    Be nice @JoinTheFanClub, he probably is a child.
  15. TitanWet

    TitanWet Generation 2

    Apr 3, 2014
    Im not comparing titanfall to plants and zombies you tubes,im comparing content and value for money,we got half a game for full price and it has a lot of issues,is nobody pissed off with that,are you just going to accept half arsed games and potentionally continue to pay more for much less.Are you that blinded?To be that naive as to believe that all these things sre going to appear the way that ea/respawn are saying?wheres the 900p?fixed frame rates?i love the game as it is but it IS NOT a full price game in value in comparison to even a kids game such as p v z.That clarify a little!?
  16. TitanWet

    TitanWet Generation 2

    Apr 3, 2014
    Its a fugazi lyric,from a song"promises",it means words are just that,words.if you dont follow a promise with that of an intended action from said promise then you have just made an empty gesture.
  17. TitanWet

    TitanWet Generation 2

    Apr 3, 2014
    And guys im not comparing p v z to titanfall,im comparing content and value for money,i love this game but its pretty barebones,not what id expect from a AAA title with a AAA price,and the fixs so far are negligible..framerate?..resolution? Lots of promises,not much action...we'll wait and see...
  18. boise

    boise Generation 4

    May 1, 2014
    Not really, no. You basically just said the same thing again, which is that you are not satisfied with the contents of the game, but you don't tell us what you are missing to call it "half a game". You are of course entitled to your opinion, and what I'm saying is that I disagree with that and asked what it is that you are missing.

    I did understand what you meant comparing Titanfall to Plants, but you obviously didn't understand my reply to it. What I tried to explain is that it is so very much easier, quicker and cheaper to implement more and new "stuff" in a game like Plants compared to in a game like Titanfall, so to say that you are unsatisfied with the amount of contents in Titanfall because there is more stuff in Plants is... well, let's just say Not very well thought through.

    You also mention "a lot of issues" of which I have seen none except for the auto-matchmaking for us PC gamers, but that is being worked on and Respawn has explained the problem to us and what is being done, and I am satisfied with that for now. As for your only examples, I had to google "900p" to know what you were talking about. I assume that those are XBOX issues(?) and I don't know anything about that. What I do know is that Respawn are working hard at improving the game and fix the issues. You call me naive, but I am far from. I don't just take anyone's word at face value, when I say they are working hard I base it on what they have actually accomplished already, for example by looking at the release notes for the two latest updates.

    Of course not, and here we arrived back at were we started. With me telling you that I disagree with your opinion that Titanfall is "half a game" or that it is lacking in contents. I agree with you that we shouldn't pay full price for a half finished game with little to no contents, but I totally disagree with you in that Titanfall fits that description.
  19. TitanWet

    TitanWet Generation 2

    Apr 3, 2014
    No you didnt
    No,you didnt understand,a long diatribe on why you think your right and just being wrong.if you want to accept a product that is not fully finished just because you 'like' it then thats your lookout.the resolution issue is not an xbox one issue its a game issue by the way.read the release notes all you want,they still havnt changed anything,just made it worse(matchmaking?)
  20. boise

    boise Generation 4

    May 1, 2014
    No I didn't what???

    Oh man... If you call that a diatribe, then you either don't know the meaning of the word, or you simply cannot read. But thanks for letting me know in so few words that there is nothing I can say to make you understand. I'll just end by pointing out that you still never answered my question of what it is that you are missing. Feel free to do so at your convenience :)