Nightly Smart pistol rant

Discussion in 'General Titanfall discussion' started by cmoshdotcom, Mar 16, 2014.

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  1. ZJP

    ZJP Generation 5
    Elite Pilot

    Feb 20, 2014
    Stopped reading right there.

    Welcome to the forums, young troll! Before talking trash, please take time to stop by the Introduction thread. Lots of great folks there! Enjoy your stay.

    Question for you @Chaz ...if I hit ignore on a profile does it just block private messages or their posts completely?
  2. Kaeldian

    Kaeldian Generation 2

    Mar 14, 2014
    Smart pistol is annoying for people who live by imaginary rules that they impose themselves then get upset when others refuse to live by those rules.
  3. Smoking_Jackal

    Smoking_Jackal Generation 2

    Mar 17, 2014
    A great way to counter the smart pistol if you find yourself having trouble with it (lol) is using the stim. If you time it right and stim right when the first bullet hits you from a fully locked-on gun, you'll likely survive. It's REALLY hard to pull off, impossible even, if you play on the Xbone, but if done correctly it will get you out of being blindsided by a wily assassin. If after that you just run away like a maniac, you should be able to survive and turn the tables on the guy.

    As for whether it's OP or not, no way, I wouldn't even call it "cheap" or "lazy" because to actually have a positive K/D you need to actually go out there and get the kills, which will more than likely net you endless deaths if you don't use it how it's supposed to

    I use the thing almost exclusively, but I'm not really in it for the pilot kills. I hack turrets, recruit spectres and farm grunts, which I find to be the most fun and original part of the game. If by any chance I do find an enemy pilot as I run around and have my fun, I'd say there is a 50/50 chance of me coming out on top unless
    1- I have a cadre of spectres with me, in which case I win, no contest (those things are great)
    2- He has a shotgun, in which case he wins, no contest
    I try to run and leap circles around the guy like an ADD 7 year old on crack cocaine, dropping nades and staying out of his FOV until i get full lock, and if I get the kill I would say it's more due to maneuvering than the actual gun, and if I had used a shotgun I probably wouldn't even had had to wait the 3-4 full seconds it takes the thing to lock on

    So yeah, tl;dr, not really OP, the whining is, IMHO, entirely unjustified
  4. ZJP

    ZJP Generation 5
    Elite Pilot

    Feb 20, 2014
    Politely disagree :)
  5. Smoking_Jackal

    Smoking_Jackal Generation 2

    Mar 17, 2014
    That's fine by me :D not every game mechanic makes everyone happy
  6. noso56

    noso56 Generation 1

    Mar 18, 2014
    i like using against ai players is meh they move around to much
  7. Firestarter 496

    Firestarter 496 Generation 1

    Mar 18, 2014
    I have only ever been killed with a smart pistol once, and even then they did not use the lock on. If you run into someone using it and their attempting to get the lock on you, you will always win because the time it takes you to aim at them and kill them is much MUCH quicker than it takes them to get the three locks.

    I've tried using the smart pistol myself and it is not a death machine. It is incredibly hard to kill someone with a lock on and is only possible if you can sneak up on them. However, if you get the jump on someone it is likely you will win with ANY weapon. If you can kill some one head on with the lock on, then it shows you have skill, not in aiming, but in agility. If someone can't kill you in the 3 or 4 seconds it takes to lock on then either they are awful and you would have killed them with any weapon, or you are incredibly skilled at dodging and wall jumping.

    To be honest, if any gun is overpowered, its the initial assault rifle you start with. That seems to kill me from any range and any situation. When I use it i always get a higher score than when I try the other weapons.
  8. RayFromJersey

    RayFromJersey Generation 4

    Feb 27, 2014
    Pretty much every ingame complaint about being killed from the autolocking pistol:

    "You autolocking pistol using noob! You shot me from behind and I didn't see you! No skill!" .... :confused:
    • Like Like x 2
  9. waltherhenry

    waltherhenry Generation 1

    Mar 18, 2014
    I have read this forum for awhile but after reading this thread i knew i had to make an account an respond.
    First of all the smart pistol CAN be used wrongly but everyone here acts like no matter how you use it then it is cheap and op. That is not true, i use it and i do not camp or wait for people to run to my hardpoint. I put on the run and run perk and wall run or get to high ground to jump in behind groups of grunts or pilots. Is that cheap? I dont think so
  10. Luxxtenebri

    Luxxtenebri Generation 2

    Mar 18, 2014
    #50 Luxxtenebri, Mar 18, 2014
    Last edited: Mar 18, 2014
    I'm in full agreement with anything negative said about the smart pistol. And no offense if you can't see how retarded the gun is then chances are its because you need it to have a chance at the game. I've had matches where the gun that most frequently kills me is a smart pistol. Despite me running non stop. Situational examples are kinda of mute. For instance someone said its like when you get stepped on by a titan walking back two steps. Well what the hell were you doing standing on the ground next to 50 tons of walking metal? The point is the gun in itself. Yes the gun is meant for newb players. Which would be fine if the game was capable of knowing who was a newb or not. Its not like you can make it not available to veteran FPSers. Online games are about fun sure. But it can't be denied that for a very large percentage of people its about owning people online. Don't deny it cause your lying. If it wasn't about competition against other players there wouldn't be teams or points. Everyone would be thrown into a board with a smart pistol and you would just run around with no objective doing whatever you wanted from killing people to tea bagging a corpse for a hour. Remove the smart pistol! If you can't keep up without it then that sucks for you. Go play a game that isn't about killing other players like Sim City. And to the players who claim its not cheap like the guy who commented above me. If you run around behind people and hard points is it a coincidence that you choose to use a gun that doesn't need you to aim? Can you not perform this task with a regular pistol? The theory you state is sound till you stop to think about the fact that everything your doing can be done with a skill based gun if you don't suck. If your using a auto aim pistol you are admitting to the world that you blow at the game.
  11. Luxxtenebri

    Luxxtenebri Generation 2

    Mar 18, 2014
    reading this thread and its differing opinions has given me a thought. Some players claim its not cheap and go on about how hard it is to actually use or state that it doesnt really matter when you sneak up on someone. Well if it doesnt matter why do you care if its taken out and why even bother to post? If it isnt a cheap gun then no one will be hurt by it being taken out right? See i believe if your fighting for the existence of this gun its because you need it. Or that your lazy as all hell. If your behind someone and you have the drop on them you dont have to be bothered with aiming which isnt the case with any other weapon in the game. If your close with shotgun you still have to point the thing right at the guy. If your far away the carbine you have to aim down the site. Sure you have the advantage and are most likely to win and smart pistol aside it wouldnt matter. but why use the smart pistol unless you "need" it? there are 3 other pistols to choose from that can kill a person without having to be lazy about it. Us good gamers shouldn't have to suffer cause we dont mind right clicking or holding the left trigger? Sorry But if your saying the gun isnt cheap there are only two cases here. Either you suck and need it. Or you just don't care either way and should just shut up cause it doesnt affect you either way. but bottom line is that if you use the smart pistol instead of any other gun in any situation that means you need the extra help. Plain and simple.
  12. RayFromJersey

    RayFromJersey Generation 4

    Feb 27, 2014
    ^^ sounds like someone shot you with the pistol and you got mad
    • Like Like x 2
  13. Kaeldian

    Kaeldian Generation 2

    Mar 14, 2014
    Listen - you may not like the Smart Pistol - but it's hear to stay.

    If people choose to use something that's in the game, that's their choice. If you don't want to make that choice - your right. But don't complain that you have the handicap because YOU made the choice not to use it. Complaining about it only shows how insecure and weak you are with your position - and reeks of jealousy that your self-imposed morals prevents you from using the same perceived crutch.
  14. Luxxtenebri

    Luxxtenebri Generation 2

    Mar 18, 2014
    #54 Luxxtenebri, Mar 18, 2014
    Last edited: Mar 18, 2014
    I'm entitled to my opinion. I'm not entitled to hear your new jersey douchebag comment. And i love how if someone expresses an opinion about something on the internet there is always some dick who has to act like your a whining baby. Its called a opinion. The enitre point of the thread you clicked on called "Nightly smart pistol rant" Wtf did you think you would find in here retard. People saying how much they love the smart pistol? Get over yourself and use the forum for what it is. A place to share your opinion on game related subjects. Not your chance to be a pretentious dick.
  15. Bardiel18

    Bardiel18 Generation 5
    Elite Pilot

    Feb 23, 2014
    Keep it civil guys. This thread sounds like it's starting to skate on thin ice.

    Not to mention there are lots of other Smart pistol threads cropping up. It almost deserves its own board.
  16. iDrummerAVA

    iDrummerAVA Generation 2

    Mar 18, 2014
    I think I find the shotgun more annoying... but the smart pistol can be pretty bad at times. Neither have been too upsetting for me tho.
  17. SHAN

    Elite Pilot

    Feb 22, 2014
    I don't mind the smart-pistol in the game. if i get killed by it...oh well, it's a weapon of choice for someone. I just think it needs a reduction towards minions. Like only half-points. You should'nt be able to pwn mindless NPCs and top the scoreboard.

    I made a post about that here:
  18. Xurreal

    Xurreal Generation 2

    Mar 4, 2014
    I have to wholeheartedly agree there. As I said in another thread, there is basically no healthy discussion when it involves the smart pistol.

    These kind of rant threads are honestly more suited to the main forums rather than here.
  19. RayFromJersey

    RayFromJersey Generation 4

    Feb 27, 2014
    #59 RayFromJersey, Mar 19, 2014
    Last edited: Mar 19, 2014
    Somehow you made it even more obvious that you lost to someone with a smart pistol and needed something to cry about.

    You ever hear someone say, "You mad, bro?" I think you would be the perfect poster child for the definition.

    You mad, bro?
  20. Smoking_Jackal

    Smoking_Jackal Generation 2

    Mar 17, 2014
    I disagree with your whole comment, but I would also like to point out that nobody is fighting to keep the smart pistol in the game, simply because it's not going anywhere, despite the crying :D

    If by some crazy reason the devs were forced to take the SP out of the game (which would pretty much mean they need to remake the tutorial, for one, and rebalance the other weapons) I would be cool with it, and so would most of the other SP users

    We'd just be saddened that such an innovative and fun concept would be removed because of people who can't play the game :p
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