Titanfall K/D?

Discussion in 'General Titanfall discussion' started by DiirtyRed1, Mar 20, 2014.

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  1. THE_oldy

    THE_oldy Generation 2

    Apr 24, 2014
    I think you can catch people out with it, but it relies on their mistake apart from in very specific situations.

    It's guaranteed to be generally less effective the more experienced people get at the game.

    Dash quickcharger is basically a move speed buff to the stryder; it better to just not die in the first place. Also auto eject denys your doomed time, which is worth exploiting. If your worried about ninja executions just eject before your doomed I suppose.
  2. Sgt_rawk

    Sgt_rawk Generation 7

    Feb 4, 2014
    This type of thing has been around for ages, dead mans hand in MW3 comes to mind. It always struck me as such a cheap kill in CoD but in this I don't feel the same way...engaging a bunch of ogres in Stryder in a tight space and then just rushing them prior to dying is just awesome.
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  3. undeadunderware

    undeadunderware Generation 4

    Apr 28, 2014
    and there is the risk they pull you out and squash you
  4. Sgt_rawk

    Sgt_rawk Generation 7

    Feb 4, 2014
    yeah...that has happened...:rolleyes:
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  5. undeadunderware

    undeadunderware Generation 4

    Apr 28, 2014
    i just got four (2 doubles) in one match making 7 titans altogether happy days
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  6. Tony at Home

    Tony at Home Generation 5

    Mar 16, 2014
    Well in order to get 1.1966 from 864, you would have needed to divide that by about 722, because 864 * 1.1966 = 722, and therefore 864 / 722 = 1.19966

    So if you've died 722 times, and killed 2094 pilots, your K/D for pilots would be approximately 2.9

    If your K/D really is around 2.9, then yup, the math is right and you take out an average of 1.2 Titans each life- which is very impressive.

    It may seem a bit ridiculously high, but it isn't considering your K/D is also very high, so you don't die much, and you get a ton of pilot kills so you have a Titan out more often than most others.

    Also note: It will also positively skew the statistic a little if you play Last Titan Standing.
  7. ClNCO

    ClNCO Generation 2

    May 23, 2014
    I play to win, and K/D is not as important as attrition +/- or whatever points of the game type you're playing.

    My K/D hovers around 2.2, but I try to never die in games and frequently go on a 4-5 game streak with one death or less.

    Score more points than you give up and your K/D doesn't matter.
  8. skinNbonez27

    skinNbonez27 Generation 2

    May 8, 2014
    ......Over achiever. I'd say it's time to find another game to dominate.
  9. THE_oldy

    THE_oldy Generation 2

    Apr 24, 2014
    One way to look at it is to say scoring 50 points in a 6v6 is the par. Thats the average score of the winning team. The further above 50 the quicker you managed to score points relative to the pace of that game.
  10. The Juggernaut

    The Juggernaut Generation 7

    Apr 2, 2014
    Damn it..... people aren't lazy enough to not do the math lol. You seem very skilled with the mathematical side of the game. Or it's just incredibly simple and I don't give it enough thought lol. I hit a milestone: I finally got my KDR to 3. Finally. I have to check my in-game stats since the Companion App doesn't update itself. I think I do play LTS a lot but not as much as other modes. I will comment back after I update my stats on the app.
  11. A.C

    A.C Generation 4

    Feb 18, 2014
    #51 A.C, May 25, 2014
    Last edited: May 25, 2014
    Hit 4KD v Pilots on my Gen 10 account!

    Started a new account out of boredom and to see how much I had improved because I have been playing at a high level for quite a while.

    And... well... thusfar I'm Gen 1, level 40 and have a 10KD v Pilots and 22 Overall. (Should add that I play solo, have an 85% W/L, 85% MVP and 100% Top 3) - It feels as if I have been playing to this sort of level for a while however - but it's difficult to get these performances to make any significant difference to the 1300+ games played on my Gen 10 account!
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  12. ChrisPBaken

    ChrisPBaken Generation 1

    Aug 28, 2014
    Hello. That is very nice^. I have an 83% win rate with about a 50% mvp rate. My k/d versus pilots/everything is 9.3 / 22.4 . This is across 19, 000 kills within 2500 games. 20150204_150820.jpg
  13. ChrisPBaken

    ChrisPBaken Generation 1

    Aug 28, 2014
    And I have 1, 300+ goosers....
  14. Achmed is here

    Achmed is here Generation 4

    May 5, 2014
  15. Achmed is here

    Achmed is here Generation 4

    May 5, 2014
    but for me to be able to do that i would have to have no life outside the house, i would not be able to work and i would have a skinny body or weigh 250 pounds..... i do like to have a life outside gaming a girlfriend a familiy that doesn't look down on me, be able to fit into airplanes and be able to do my daily fitness, and work in the forest as a lumberjack,
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  16. Achmed is here

    Achmed is here Generation 4

    May 5, 2014
    increase senstivity on controller or mouse so you can spin around faster :)
  17. ChrisPBaken

    ChrisPBaken Generation 1

    Aug 28, 2014
    whoa first of all achmed 2500 games across a year is not that bad... this has been my main game for the past year. Just because somebody has better stats than you, like nearly twice as good as you, doesn't mean you need to assume they have no life. Have a nice day scrub ;). Btw I have never heard of you before. Either you are not memorable, recent player, or just stick to things outside of attrition and lts ;)

    ETERNALT0AST Generation 3

    Feb 4, 2015
    Calm yourself :) he said if HE were to get stats like that HE would need to have no life etc etc....I didn't read anything saying he was shitting on you for your stats lol. Hostility!

    Anyways, I haven't checked my stats in ages....I don't really trust them. Since it is an average, it's majorly skewed by how awesome or how terrible your first so many games are. Let's say I REALLY sucked in the beginning....I did, because Titanfall had a WHOLE new set of movement mechanics and such, and it's a whole different game than what I was used to, as well as the fact I was new to FPS on PC. I always played with a controller, so it took me a while to really master the KB/M. Since the first 100 (or whatever number) games were sub-par, even though I honestly can kick ass most of the time now, my KDR is stuck pretty low, as it takes maybe an average of 50 games to raise it a percentage or whatever. I never go negative unless something really goes awry and I'm usually upwards of 20 kills per game.....

    Plus everything other people said...I don't think I've ever laid a hand on attrition, I like more teamwork-based game types. Namely Hardpoint. I had enough pointless kill-farming in my CoD days lol.
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  19. Jimmah

    Jimmah Generation 5

    Mar 17, 2014
    I play for fun and challenge myself not stats.

    Suppose I'm getting old......
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  20. The Juggernaut

    The Juggernaut Generation 7

    Apr 2, 2014
    I was obsessed with my Titanfall K/D at one point considering it was the first shooter I was overly good at! Then I made a pledge to not look at it anymore and just play. And boy was that decision a good one! It's a lot more fun not having to hold to these invisible standards only I can see.. I got regen challenges to do so I can bra!
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