What do you find frustrating so far?

Discussion in 'General Titanfall discussion' started by Popcornchikn, Apr 9, 2014.

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  1. Sgt_rawk

    Sgt_rawk Generation 7

    Feb 4, 2014
    Now now, lets not be nasty, if he wants to complain about not being able to play TF for the hour or so that his internet is down, then he has every right to do so without being harassed, no matter how petty or unlikely it may be...:rolleyes:
  2. The Juggernaut

    The Juggernaut Generation 7

    Apr 2, 2014
    Who even loses internet like that? I know my internet sometimes glitches out but it is still usable..ish.
    Only time I've been completely blank is when 1.) Blackout.. no power= no xbox like @BallisticDad said and 2.) my wifi is being upgraded by the company...
  3. Eric M

    Eric M Generation 3

    Mar 28, 2014
    I gotta admit I was a bit disappointed when I first started playing and found there was no single player mode at all, but then I got thinking- how would that work exactly?

    TF is about charging around like a squirrel on crack. You don't move through a level like in other fps games, clearing an area before moving on towards an objective. You hurtle rpund the map until you get your titan and tthen go charging around like a 50 ton metal squirrel. That just wouldn't work as single player level. There'd have to be bits where you were kept on foot and bits where you got to keep your titan. just imagine how terrible a single player mode would be.

    It's so cool when you outwit some other pilot by wallhanging above the doorway. You won't get that from a match against bots.

    Besides, it doesn't matter to me if the power goes down as i have one of those new solar powered xboxes.

  4. Wolfbark

    Wolfbark Generation 2

    Feb 16, 2014
    Loading Screen into Loading Screen into Connecting Screen into Loading Screen. THEN when you try to leave a game. More damn connecting screens. There needs to be a "Quit to Main Menu" option to leave the lobby.

    Also the complete lack of team balancing in. It's quite stupid to have games which are 2v6. Regardless of what side you're on.

    Lastly satchel spam is starting to get to me. The moment I get into a CQC fight, they just pop the satchel and just suicide spam. Either killing myself, or both of us in stantly.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  5. CosierZeus

    CosierZeus Generation 2

    Apr 20, 2014
    Honestly the one thing that grids my gears is the matchmaking within lobbies. You are stuck with the same teammates if you stay in the lobby. If your team is crap or if they never call down their titans it gets really annoying
    • Like Like x 1
  6. Sgt_rawk

    Sgt_rawk Generation 7

    Feb 4, 2014
    That happened to me today but low and behold, we were dominated 2 games in row and then the entire dominating lobby was kicked and a new lobby was set up. I was pretty happy with that. Funny thing happened too, I was in a fight with like six titans, three a side, ALL of them throwing punches, was like being at the pub on a friday night...hilarious fun.
  7. xxdirty86xx

    xxdirty86xx Generation 2

    Apr 18, 2014
    Ok not to sound like the bad guy of this convo but what I'm seeing is a lot of complaining about a quite frankly a amazing game, yes shit happens and it seems unfair but there's one thing you need to realize you have probably won more then your fair share of those unfair bouts. My final say on this is if your connection isn't good enough to play competitive online games (at least 20down/5up) then don't complain a bout the guy that shoots u around a corner or you put more bulllets into them but they still win over them having a better contention then you and they might be a few frames ahead of you or your skills just might not be as good as you think they are. Don't take me wrong I'm not talking crap a bout any of you I just hate to see a great game ruinend over a bunch of guys who can't take a loss every now and then and think there gods gift to the game and there's no possible way they can't be killed and if it does happen then there opponent cheated or automaticly state the game sucks couse they lost,I've seen this happen to a lot of great games and I'm sick of it. Please don't take my statement personaly but most of the complaining consist of players getting butt hurt becouse someone bested them, sorry but I call it like I see it.
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  8. Kingkat54

    Kingkat54 Generation 7

    Dec 9, 2013
    I think I like what xxdirty86xx says.
    No one can always win, or consistently lose all the time. Just can't happen that often. But then again, a player can get into a bad streak and lose for a time and get frustrated, a lot!
    I think the game is NOT designed to be a competitive game, but has many elements that are part of competitive games. Doesn't mean it is not a good game, but maybe not for competitions at the moment. May need some changes.
    Can't players have fun, maybe score highest or lowest, win or lose, and yet have fun?
    Seems simple to me, but then again I see things in their simplest form.
    I thought having FUN was the goal?.............not whether you win or lose?

    I know I find the complaining about this the most frustrating of all.
  9. xxdirty86xx

    xxdirty86xx Generation 2

    Apr 18, 2014
    Thank you I was afraid I was going to get a lot of hate mail over my statement I'm glad to see others tiered of the constant complaints over gaming
  10. Sgt_rawk

    Sgt_rawk Generation 7

    Feb 4, 2014
    Dude. I agree with you totally and made a similar point the other day. You made good points and were not arrogant or dismissive. Well done.
  11. xxdirty86xx

    xxdirty86xx Generation 2

    Apr 18, 2014
    Thanks man if people would give a game enough time and work at bettering themselves instead of wanting instant gratification of expecting to be good at the competitive aspect of the game then there shouldn't be as much complaining then rivalry would take the place of all the sore losing and arrogant trash talk that makes gaming harder then it needs to be and it would stop companies from gutting a good game and turning it in to some kind of trying to please all the crybabies freak show. "CAN I GET AN A'MAN" But seriously gamers need to have more hart these day and not give up so easily.
  12. Sgt_rawk

    Sgt_rawk Generation 7

    Feb 4, 2014
    Dude, I started out pretty bad on this game going .5 kd against pilots. I improved from remaining in lobbies with better players than me. I learned some pretty good shit from those guys and just started thinking more about what I was doing rather than running mid map like a damn baby buffalo.

    I have found this game to be on the most satisfying games in a long time. It just supports in you in any style of gameplay. I was on today, spent some time rushing, some being more defensive and some concentrating on Titan kills and then played some pilot hunter. Other FPS games just didn't seem to offer the level of involvement. Sure it could have more than one useful AR but hey...its a good AR.

    I love that if I am having a tough day I can just turn on some minions or simply spend more time in my Titan. I haven't gushed about a game like this in years.

    There is always gonna be players who need to dominate to have fun, who need to see a good positive KD...pity is that they are often quite vocal when things aren't going well.
  13. xxdirty86xx

    xxdirty86xx Generation 2

    Apr 18, 2014
    Well said man and I'm in the same boat in being so pleased with a game, on a different note do you play on xboxone if so what's ur gt
  14. Sgt_rawk

    Sgt_rawk Generation 7

    Feb 4, 2014
    sgt rawk on X1....I'm in Australia though....
  15. xxdirty86xx

    xxdirty86xx Generation 2

    Apr 18, 2014
    It's all good I'm on during a lot of different times
  16. BlogzillaVs

    BlogzillaVs Generation 2

    Mar 14, 2014
    Fact that most of the guns in the game are completely useless everyone uses the same guns and still looks like crap looks like a 360 game with bad graphics that they didn't fini
  17. Nogradea

    Nogradea Generation 2

    Apr 21, 2014
    I would say that the Gen part, Its just so hard when it comes to Kill pilots while ejecting in air. Apart from that everything Fine so far.
  18. Micky T

    Micky T Enduro Pilot
    Elite Pilot

    Apr 21, 2014

    Yes! Using the same gun and losing, even though you're positive you opened up first!
    My biggest irritation is having a friendly titan standing right behind you, stopping you retreating from a losing battle. I've lost track of how often I get nailed because I was trapped by my own teammate. Perhaps they were using me as a shield :-D
  19. Micky T

    Micky T Enduro Pilot
    Elite Pilot

    Apr 21, 2014
    Nail. On. The. Head.
  20. The Juggernaut

    The Juggernaut Generation 7

    Apr 2, 2014
    So much more I could have mentioned....
    Getting a titan and having it's health drop down to 10 percent in the first 15 seconds of stepping out of the bubble shield
    Being the first titan on the field and getting spammed by arc grenades and archers
    Getting spawn camped in CTF by enemy titans
    Losing CQC when you got the first 3 shots off with a smg because the enemy decided to kick you
    Stepping or getting punched off a cliff
    Jumping into the evac ship but landing 2 inches too short or glitching past
    Getting killed by a auto-titan
    Getting stepped on by a completely unaware titan when trying to rodeo giving him a free kill for doing nothing
    People taking a kick melee to a gun fight
    Waiting for a shield core to turn on and dooming before that happens.
    Getting your evac ship blown up
    Arc Grenading yourself
    Getting rodeo'd and getting off to find the enemy spammed satchel charges everywhere around you and killed you and your titan
    After failing , get on a slaughter spree your last game for the night
    Getting your brand new titan destroyed by a Enemy titanfall
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