What do you find frustrating so far?

Discussion in 'General Titanfall discussion' started by Popcornchikn, Apr 9, 2014.

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  1. Micky T

    Micky T Enduro Pilot
    Elite Pilot

    Apr 21, 2014
    #61 Micky T, Apr 21, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 22, 2014
    So many there I can agree with.
    Hate giving them free kills for being unlucky/clumsy.
    I haaaaaaate satchels.
    Hate dying and thinking 'hold on, I wasn't even in a fight, how am I dead??'
    LTS players who sit at the back and do nothing.
    Running up behind an unaware pilot to break his neck but my melee button does a kick and I miss.
    Getting melee kicked.
    Having my titan killed by a pilot.
    Jumping and missing a ledge.
    Jumping to the dropship and missing. Ive actually jumped through it once!!!
    Respawning nowhere near anything.
    Titans shooting me from the other side of the map.
    Ejecting and flying off the map/a cliff :-D

    Gotta add a few things I like so you all don't wonder why the hell I play ;-)

    Kill streaks.
    Grunts talking.
    Dooming a titan from full health in seconds.
    Smoking a rodeo attempt.
    Running from trouble and calling my titan in as I flee.
    When you help someone out and they follow you.
    Chaingun accelerator!
    Killing a flyer on Boneyard.
  2. The Juggernaut

    The Juggernaut Generation 7

    Apr 2, 2014
    #62 The Juggernaut, Apr 21, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 22, 2014
    Trying to get to the evac ship but a slight little extrusion of the roof makes you keep hitting your head and miss your evac
    Not being able to find the way to the evac ship and miss it
    Dying in the evac ship after being a badass getting into it
    Getting melee kicked to death by Spectres and Grunts
    Getting shot while hacking a Spectre
    Stop hacking a Spectre mid way and it turning around 180 before you can move away and it kicking you to death
    Having a LTS round end .5 seconds before you kill a guy

    Grunt talks are boring. If you want real fun, go to Halo 3 with the IWHBYD skull on (adds more rare comments) and just listen. AI will say funny things so much. A kamikaze grunt ran towards me shouting 'TASTE MY BRIGHT BLUE BALLS' (plasma grenades) Titanfall grunts just say 'MY WHOLE TEAM IS DEAD'
    Halo 3 AI have sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo many lines
    Titan's are the only kill streaks...
    Grunt talk is boring or serious
    Dooming a titan from full health in seconds is one of the frustrating things that I mentioned before.. you just add to the enemies frustration xD
    Killing a cowboy is fun
    Getting shot at and jumping into your titan last second and surviving
    People follow me for kill steals. They love giving me assists
    Chaingun accelerator was the beast in Beta. Now, I tend to find myself reloading a lot more with it then extended mags. I don't like it anymore imo.
    I was doing railgun challenges in LTS standing, and in the downtime between sniping, I shot flyers and exploded them into bits for 100 points :)
    • Like Like x 2
  3. Micky T

    Micky T Enduro Pilot
    Elite Pilot

    Apr 21, 2014
    Haha taste my bright blue balls :-D. :-D
    I hate losing my titan really quickly, but if I go to a fight, it's fair game. If I drop my titan in and an enemy or two are on me just as I get in, that's soo fakkin annoying.
    If I do it to someone else though, it's ok lol.
    Grunts are actually hilarious. Ive heard these :
    'Ive just been to the gym and Im ready to do this aaall day'
    'Yeh well nobody likes you'

    'That female pilot...'
    'Man just ask her out!'

    'You know what the best thing is about oining the imc?'
    'No what?'
    'I dunno...'
  4. The Juggernaut

    The Juggernaut Generation 7

    Apr 2, 2014
    That white female sniper thou....I understand the grunt saying that
    • Agree Agree x 2
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  5. RespectedGen1us

    RespectedGen1us Generation 2

    Apr 21, 2014
    I hate when a pilot and I jump kick at the same time and I die!!!
  6. Micky T

    Micky T Enduro Pilot
    Elite Pilot

    Apr 21, 2014
    So annoying huh. It makes you look ridiculous too, when you see their kill cam and there's you, dancing about.
    • Like Like x 1
  7. Karma Cop

    Karma Cop Generation 2

    Apr 21, 2014
    Read all 67 posts. I do see the OP has already written the article which I'll check out after this.

    I do love this game, some stuff on this list I've experienced but extremely rarely and even then is just on a funny blooper reel.

    I do have two of my own, one that doesn't affect me but I think is a really big deal/chink in Titanfall's future.

    Firstly: Personal Pet Peeve? Someone touched on this, but Satchel Spam. However I blow most of it off...the one I was shocked not to see mentioned was the "Rodeo Satchel". Guy jumps ya, you get out to shoot him and he flicks two satchels at you. It's so easy, and indefensable if you aren't using electric smoke/cluster misilles or teammates/mics. The kicker? They then take your titan for free as a prize and think they've got another clip. No skill, high reward. You shouldn't be able to throw ordinance (or at least Satchels) from back of Titans. My ultimate pet peeve, no clue why people think this is genious...effective correct, but far from clever. It's the NHL '94 cheaper all over again (old school referrence).

    Secondly: Not my issue, but I recenly joined two friends who had bought titanfall and were going through campaign. I played in their very first games, and despite having four complete beginners (rank 1) in room the other team had everyone regenned. A couple 8's and a 9 even. We got slammed, no biggie for me...but that was their introduction? I've seen this again and again too. Full teams of high genners joining and walking over rookies in campaign.

    This is no way to learn and love a game for them, in fact their enthusiasm was curbed so drastically they basically rarely come back and only play for minutes. I belive this could have been different had matchmaking been different for campaign. Have at least a restrictions where only non-regenerated players all play in one pool, and anyone 2 and above in others. Mission critical I tell you, people start with Campaign and while you expect to struggle and lose even, you want to get a chance to play and compete/feel good. Titanfall will lose people if not changed.
    • Like Like x 3
  8. Micky T

    Micky T Enduro Pilot
    Elite Pilot

    Apr 21, 2014
    Secondly: Not my issue, but I recenly joined two friends who had bought titanfall and were going through campaign. I played in their very first games, and despite having four complete beginners (rank 1) in room the other team had everyone regenned. A couple 8's and a 9 even. We got slammed, no biggie for me...but that was their introduction? I've seen this again and again too. Full teams of high genners joining and walking over rookies in campaign.

    This is no way to learn and love a game for them, in fact their enthusiasm was curbed so drastically they basically rarely come back and only play for minutes. I belive this could have been different had matchmaking been different for campaign. Have at least a restrictions where only non-regenerated players all play in one pool, and anyone 2 and above in others. Mission critical I tell you, people start with Campaign and while you expect to struggle and lose even, you want to get a chance to play and compete/feel good. Titanfall will lose people if not changed.[/quote]

    I had no idea this was happening! I always thought the campaign was for newer players to learn the ropes.
    I genuinely can't see why higher gen guys need to go back in there - it's not as if there's anything different going on in those lobbies.
    There should be something done to change the matchmaking to stop newer guys facing the higher players so often.
    • Agree Agree x 2
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  9. Karma Cop

    Karma Cop Generation 2

    Apr 21, 2014
    Neither had I really until then. Although I did like going back and revisiting a couple times later. I only did so when playing alone and often fooled with weapons/took it casually.

    Unfortunately googled/found info on youtube about this. High Genners are using it to complete challenges, they are finding noob rooms and working off tougher guns/challenges. Makes sense, although it's incredibly poor sport. Also I guess there's a few campaign maps that have clear backdrops/skies where you can gooser more easily, so some are playing those particular missions over and over again.
  10. narcosys

    narcosys Generation 1

    Mar 31, 2014
    What is seriously frustrating me about this game to the point that i am getting PO'd, is the dang titan call ins. It never fails. I could be in the middle of the wide open field and look at a spot to call in my titan, and it will throw it in a different spot. Like how the heck are you supposed to do the Gen8 challenge of incoming if it never drops it where the heck you want it. Like on Rise, i just rodeod an auto titan, i jumped off and looked down to call in my titan so that it would land on the auto-titan. What happens? It puts it on the other side of a building. Like i understand if was to close to something, but you couldnt put it close enough to the spot i originally had it? Like WTF! Atleast drop it next the nearest open spot, not on the other side of a wall and building to where i cant find the damn thing. I will even aim down my site and point straight down, it will drop it randomly elsewhere. Im sick and tired of it.
    • Like Like x 1
  11. Chaz

    Chaz Generation 6
    Elite Pilot

    Jan 15, 2014
    Remember guys, if you have something to add to your post, use the edit button. We currently have a character limit of 10,000 so you shouldn't have to worry about going over. Editing your post to include additional information saves the site from some clutter and also stops you from what is technically a double post. Just giving a heads up. :)

    As far as my pet peeve with the game, is how adamant people are with their jump kicks. Common practice for newer players is to panic kick. Continuous panic kicks. All I have to do is just bunny hop backwards and watch them dance. :p
  12. Kllr6

    Kllr6 Generation 2

    Apr 21, 2014
    I agree with the nerphing melee kick. Although I do use it to my advantage often, it should probably be a very effective stun/ then shoot tool.
    And, the lobby timer could be shorter.
    • Like Like x 1
  13. Sgt_rawk

    Sgt_rawk Generation 7

    Feb 4, 2014
    I can't seem to train myself to kick, sorta like knifing in CoD, I just can't seem to train that response in myself...I really should work on it...
  14. Mitch Holcomb

    Mitch Holcomb Generation 2

    Apr 15, 2014
    I'm stuck in the same exact spot it's so fuckin annoying I hate this challenge I've been on 50 for a week
  15. Micky T

    Micky T Enduro Pilot
    Elite Pilot

    Apr 21, 2014
    So they go back to do their weapon challenges against new players?! How is that challenging? Surely you're better off trying them in the multiplayer games.
    Otherwise they may as well just stick a pretendy gen tag on their screen, 'cause they certainly aren't earning their rep properly.
    Actually this might be why I'm able to kill g8s, 9s and 10s - because they're so used to fighting new guys :-D
    • Agree Agree x 1
  16. Micky T

    Micky T Enduro Pilot
    Elite Pilot

    Apr 21, 2014
    Yeh bang on. I would prefer if the melee took down your shield, knocked you back and blurred your vision briefly, so you can finish them with a gun.
  17. Bumwhiskers

    Bumwhiskers Generation 2

    Apr 11, 2014
    Things I dislike:

    Teammates in LTS who just charge in when their shield is down.

    Teammates that panic and move around when I'm trying to shoot an enemy Rodeo.

    Being stepped on when at shoulder height.

    The Gooser challenge was reduced.

    Respawn plan to make stats public.

    Teammates generally not playing the objective.

    Being shot mid jump, as you're boarding the Evac aircraft.

    Having my hard-earned Titan kill stolen at the last moment.

    Dropping your Titan in a quiet area; only to have 3 enemy Titans drop around you.

    Seeing a gun on the floor, and not being able to pick it up.

    Getting 4 Goosers in one game, but they don't count because of a server disconnection.

    The trash-talking CoD kiddies that play this game.

    It can be too easy to regen.
  18. Micky T

    Micky T Enduro Pilot
    Elite Pilot

    Apr 21, 2014
    Got to add this one - A pilot just sniped me twice from a place you can only get to, it appears, by ejecting. My weapon won't reach him so he's safe but he keeps popping up on the kill stream on screen as killing with the longbow.
    Now whereas I know this is part of the game, I honestly don't understand why you'd have the agility we do yet sit there happy to be a CoD camping sniper.
    And on a CTF match?!
    Oh and I thought 'fair one, he's probably on the longbow challenge'. Nope - he was a gen 2 haha.
    Kid's gunna get bored of this game fast! :-D
  19. TheBudworth

    TheBudworth Generation 2

    Apr 22, 2014
    I got Titanfall yesterday for 360 and I think it is an amazing game but there are some things I don't like

    - Jumpkick

    I hate spraying a whole mag into somebody and almost killing them and they just panic and kick me. It's very frustrating, also a kick like that wouldn't kill anybody

    - Intermission

    I think the 90 second timer in between games is a bit much, I only need 30 to check my burn cards and equip any new gear.

    - Shotguns

    IMO Shotguns are bit too easy to easy to use, especially since it's automatic and a OHK.

    Other than that, the game is amazing!
  20. Grim

    Grim Max Rank Pilot
    Elite Pilot

    Feb 2, 2014
    ^ Responses in green. ^